The Anthro project's timeline is still a WIP. Dates dependent on availability of team members for tasks, resources, logistics, etc.
The next 12 months
Q4 2024:
Development of electromechanical artificial muscles. Integration of muscles with AnthroHand and legs. Development of digitigrade leg platform.
Q1 2025:
Integration of improved electromechanical artificial muscles into upper body. Teleop control of arms and hands.
Q2 2025:
Integrate computer vision and VLM for autonomous object manipulation tasks.
Q3 2025:
Develop aesthetic features for the first real Anthroid. Begin work on basic synthetic intelligence features (like giving it a character & personaility of sorts!)
Q4 2025:
Have the first Anthroid assembled, and operating on it's own, at a very basic level. Perform a live demo locally, and online!